september 2021 - tear dust


I’ve identified as an artist for as long as I can remember. I’m grateful to come from a family of creatives. I’ve watched my grandma sculpt stone with power tools my whole life, my father create jewelry, clay sculpture and photography and my mom on the sewing machine. I’m blessed to have had such close contact with many different mediums and tools at a young age. I’ve always believed I could make anything, if I allowed myself.
At the age of 12, I painted my first canvas that measured taller than I was. It was a whole new world to paint BIG. I literally remember the feeling and standing there in front of that thing, feeling like a true artist with something to say.

I am not formally trained in any medium, beyond high school art classes. Although I feel this allows for a natural curiosity and is fuel for my fire to discover what I can create. There are no limits. Each process is an opportunity for growth and I enjoy “just figuring it out”. This approach often leads to unintended steps, yet these steps are what seem to create true understanding for me. I honor the journey, detours and all.

I started experimenting with linoleum cuts and block printing in 2019. My first print piece was a portrait of Nikola Tesla. It includes power lines, illuminated bulbs, an electric earth, burning Wardenclyffe tower and a wireless bulb, held by Tesla that reads “what car?”

I was inspired to create this image as I realized that Nikola Tesla’s name was being drowned out by Tesla Motors. I imagined a generation that could forget the man in trade for a car. Tesla is an inspiration to me because he seemed to truly follow his heart’s inner knowing, regardless of critics or current systems ;). He had the courage to try what no one else would dare to. I believe true genius is a seed inside is all. I also believe that if you want your seed to grow, you must nurture it. Every seed has its own requirements to achieve its potential. Finding harmony between the brain (thinker) and heart (feeler) is like growing your seed in a greenhouse, rather than a desert. Passion and excitement are the result of a healthy, growing seed. Research ‘heart-brained coherence”. I especially like learning from Joe Dispenza, Bruce Lipton, Caroline Myss, Drunvalo Melchizedek and Manly P. Hall.

Tarot is another huge inspiration. Specifically the teachings from Alejandro Jodorowsky. His book, The Way of the Tarot has been like a Bible to me. Pointing way to deep understanding of ancient symbolism, and their connections to the human experience. I highly encourage anyone to dive into whatever sparks their interest. Especially when you don’t know where it’s coming from. This is a pathway.

I’ve always been drawn to certain religious imagery, even though I’ve never followed any religious group. In my teens, I was very anti religion and could not understand why I still had an admiration for the art. Some things you aren’t meant to understand yet. It took me many years to accept my natural curiosity for what I thought meant one thing, but later learned there could be infinite interpretations. One thing I couldn’t deny, was the feeling and truth for what felt beautiful to me. Mysteries are revealed when you trust the unknown and follow your own passion. I cannot begin to articulate the treasure I have revealed to my self, but encourage you to find yours through heart-brain cohesion. It’s always there.

My ultimate mission with Tear Dust is to awaken the spirit. To remind others of the connection between spirit and matter, the polarization that is our existence. I believe separation is an illusion and that there is really just one whole. We are all a fraction of the whole. A piece to the puzzle. My intention is to remind you that there is just one puzzle.

-Tear Dust

@holy.tear.dust on instagram


october 2021 - notsik


august 2021 - heresy