august 2021 - heresy


- q&a with the artist -

Have you always been creative? When did you start?

Creativity started when I was very young. I loved drawing and coloring. I remember I used to go to a daycare place before and after school while my dad worked. At this facility they had lots of cartoons and what not on the walls (as you would expect). One day I decided to draw one. I forget what exactly I chose to draw but I will never forget the response it received. The lady was so surprised how well I did. She showed her coworkers too, they were also surpised. I remember them urging me to draw the other things from the wall. Her reaction seemed so genuine. I was in 2nd or 3rd grade at the time so looking back now they could have been totally just bolstering my self-esteem.

What inspires you to create?

Information and Ideas.

Name your top inspirational creatives?

So many amazing artists out there. I've been a huge fan and inspired by artists like (in no particular order) Banksy, Mike Giant, David Choe, GOIN, Pichiavo, Shepard Fairy, Tristan Eaton, Henry Volk Jr, Faile, Blek le rat, Space Invader, Craola.... to name a few.

What are your current goals?

To disseminate information and ideas regardless if it contradicts the government's accepted stance and/or groupthink.

What’s one of the best pieces of advice you’ve received about making art?

To always keep in mind why you make your art.

If you could work with any artist of your choosing, who would you pick and why?

Banksy. His work is absolutely superb. From concept to execution, Banksy and his team do some incredible things.

What’s the heart of your style? I like to call it

"Positive Propaganda" but I think it's more along the lines of mixed media street art.

What is your typical creative process when completing a project?

Typically, I learn about something or I am moved by a quote or an idea. I will think of ways that I can express that through imagery. Once created, I will deploy it in different ways, i.e. digitally, paintings, pasteups, and stickers.

If you could create with no limits, what would you make?

Unwaivering class solidarity. That's what I would create.

What does your work space or studio space look like?

My workspace changes a bit to fit my project needs. But a common theme throughout all my workspaces over the years is: kinda messy


september 2021 - tear dust


JULY 2021 - 2ma collective