december 2021 - justin white, momomoj0, ghost anima


justin white


“My inspiration has always come from artistic expression through Pop Culture. From the tattoos that I create, my work with color pencils and my paintings. These paintings I chose to feature are influenced by iconic hip hop and R&B albums from Mos Def, MF Doom and Lauren Hill. With the current state of music being bought and listened to digitally, I feel that the aesthetic of an album cover has been lost. So I wanted to recreate the experience of having an album that I have listened to so much that the cover has started to deteriorate. My artwork spans a bit of different mediums from tattoos, pen and ink, painting, sculpting and creating action figures and making dioramas. I've only considered myself an artist for the past 10 years and in that time my philosophy has been to explore and push my artistic abilities to the best that I can in order to become more "than an artist but the definition of it". Haha a bit Jay Z lyric.”




What was the first piece you’ve ever sold?

The first piece I ever sold was a painting of my barely Roommates feminine body with a screaming Predator’s head.

When did you consider yourself a “real” artist?

I first considered myself a real artist when I won a drawing contest in the 2nd grade. I was bewildered as to how my wretched drawing, of a snow covered tree, could have won, but it did.

Have you always been creative? When did you start?

I’ve first began “crafting” and creating when I was about 8 years old. I started with miniature bead work and hand sewing.

What inspires you to create?

I’m inspired by my feelings, as cliche as that sounds. I thrive when I am able to transmute my emotional energy into something constructive. Driven by the impulse to purge my body of the information onto canvas.

How long have you worked on your craft?

I’ve been painting for 20 years. Five years ago I decided to make it into a business.

Name your top inspirational creatives?

My top inspirational creatives consist of the delicate work of Audrey Kawasaki and Caitlin Hackett.

What are your current goals?

I am presently focused on refining my tattooing skills.

What’s one of the best pieces of advice you’ve received about making art?

One of the best pieces of advice I have received about making art is to “Trust the Process.”

If you could work with any artist of your choosing, who would you pick and why?

If I could work with any artist i would love to work with the set designers from “The Science of Sleep”.


ghost anima


Hello! I go by Ghost Anima and this is my first showcase! So first off, let me thank you for checking it out!

The name Ghost Anima as well as my inspirations are heavily based around the imagination, the subconscious and many of Psychologist Carl Jung’s theories on Archetypes and the Anima/Animus.

I use bright colors and a cartoonish style as an attempt to brighten up an otherwise very serious and scary world, while still bringing attention to valuable ideas and symbolism.

Character art tends to be my favorite but bringing anything from my head to reality is the heart of all of it.

If you pass by and smile, I’ve already won!


january 2022 - tanner


november 2021 - sketchy people